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Grooming Service Policy



South Gay Drive Pet Grooming Room will ask owner to sign our policy agreement at your first appointment.





​Please make an appointment in advance. In order to maintain the cleanliness of your pet's coat, we recommend scheduling a grooming appointment every 6 to 8 weeks.

​​For each appointment for full grooming, we ask about 180 minutes.  

It will usually take between 120-180 minutes, but may fluctuate depending on the services requested and the temperament of the pet. 




​​Cancellation and Rescheduling


​If you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give us at least 24-hours notice.






​Payment is due when the grooming service is rendered or on completion of grooming.


There is an additional charge of up to 3% in case of credit card, debit card, Venmo and Pay Pal payments.

Payment is also possible in cash or by check.






​​It is Colorado law to prepare loops.


We do not restrain pets in an inhumane manner. At times, the muzzle will be utilized for aggressive or fearful pets. If the owner does not allow the use of an muzzle the grooming will stop and payment is due in full. The muzzle will be used only when all other options have been exhausted.


​There is a possibility that grooming will be stopped due to the aggressive behavior of the pet or upon finding injury/sickness/joint problem.


​Please make sure your pet is healthy enough to be groomed before your appointment.






​In the rare event of an injury or illness, South Gay Drive Pet Grooming Room will immediately inform you. Upon admitting your pet into our care, you will be responsible for any health issues present before and/or resulting from grooming.



​Parasites, Fungus & vaccination​


​​Please make sure vaccinations (Rabies) is up to date prior to each appointment even for their nail trimming. We also recommend that your dog has the bordetella and cat has FVRCP.





​If you suspect your pet has fleas please go to the vet and have your pet treated and clean the pet's collar & leash / carrier with flea repellent product. Things such as fleas and ringworm are easily transported from place to place. This is something we absolutely MUST avoid. If South Gay Drive Pet Grooming Room is not informed of fleas a fee upwards of $250 will be charged.





​If ringworm is suspected South Gay Drive Pet Grooming Room will be unable to groom your pet. Ringworm is highly transferable and spores can survive in the home for up to 2 years.


​​Pets with communicable diseases will not be groomed until 10 days after their last treatment.​




​Matting and Pelting



​Heavily matted pets require additional time to either comb out or trim. A de-matting fee $5 to 20 required due to the extra work .  As de-matting is stressful for the pet, the groomer will decline to de-mat pets that require more than half hour of de-matting, and offer to shave the pet instead.


​​​When removing severely matted and pelted coats, we use extreme caution. Even so, there is a risk of cuts or abrasions due to the inability to see skin irregularities such as moles or skin folds caught in the mats. In addition, removing the mats may reveal skin irritations or sores due to moisture buildup under the skin.







​We recommend shaving only when it is absolutely necessary.  Cats and dogs need their fur to keep warm in the winter and to keep cool in the summer. When an animal has been shaved, there is a chance that the coat will not re-grow or may grow at a much slower rate. This is more likely to occur as your pet ages, or due to pre-existing conditions. They have very thin skin and this makes them more vulnerable to injuries.

(Please read the page About Lion Cut for cats)


​If your cat does not have mat, we recommend the De-shedding package.

​When your pet will be going outside, please utilize sunscreen or keep cat indoors until the hair has grown back enough to provide protection from the sun after shaving.






​South Gay drive Pet Grooming Room ask owner for permission to use pictures taken for the website, social media, and/or promotional materials. Your personal information will not be published and the picture of your cat will be sent to owner.




​Re-do policy


If you are unhappy with the results of your pet's grooming, please contact us within seven days and the groomer will re-do the grooming by appointment at no additional charge.




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